Here is a video from the most recent event:

Plan Plant Planet at McKaig Nature Center


Native Tree and Shrub Give-a-way*

We all want to help preserve our environment. One of the best ways is to plant trees. * We will be giving away saplings of native trees and shrubs. You’ll be required to purchase a tree shelter or cage for a minimum $29 donation. Tree shelters/cages are designed to help protect saplings from deer browsing, severe weather and lawn mower damage. We have quantities of: Birch, River Chokeberry, Black Chokeberry, Red Dogwood, Silky Elm, American Redbud, Eastern Spicebush Sycamore, American Viburnum, Arrowwood Viburnum, Blackhaw, Nannyberry Willow, Black


Saturday, October 8, 2022, 9:00 AM until 1:00 PM


Old Roberts Schoolhouse
889 Croton Rd
Wayne, PA  19087

484 580-9474

Event Contact(s):

Park Ranger

484-580-9474 (p)

More info on the October Planting event:

McKaig Events Calendar:

Here is the note at the top of the YouTube Video description for the Plan Plant Planet video for this event:

We would like to extend a special thanks to Vytas Masalaitis, the Park Ranger, at McKaig Nature Center ( and the whole McKaig team that helped put together the tree and shrub event on Saturday October 8th, 2022. We applaud their year-round work and the benefits that McKaig provides to the community. We encourage you to visit for a hike!