Speaking Engagements
Sample Speaking Engagements across Corporate, Healthcare, Education, and Government events:
Mr. Szoradi is a sought-after public speaker on Sustainability, Energy Intelligence, and Controlled Environment Agriculture. For a breakdown of speaking engagements, see below:
Sustainable Life Series – Multiple Podcast/Video Interviews
BUILD OFFSITE Magazine – Charlie Szoradi’s interview with Exceler Building Solution’s Principal John Wolfington: Article: OFFSITE MANUFACTURING COMPANY HARNESSES GREEN INVESTMENT TO SCALE-UP PRODUCTION. Click here to see the Article with the Interview
GeoAg Conference
May 23rd – Geological Agriculture (GeoAg) Presentation on Microgreens with a focus specifically on a three part case study growing microgreens indoors l
yon a bed of river rocks in a controlled test compared to growing on hemp mats and growing on a combination of hemp and rocks.
MacroMagic TV Show
This TV series is hosted by macrobiotic chef, author, and documentary filmmaker Sheri-Lynn DeMaris. Charlie Szoradi was invited on the show as a guest to share his expertise on next generation agriculture. The episode with Charlie was recorded on May 1st 2023 and it streams on Roku and at RVN Television. MacroMagic takes wellness to a whole new level and teaches the simplicity of cooking, eating, and living well. The show not only offers cooking techniques using the finest natural organic ingredients, but it also includes an abundance of cutting edge information on how viewers can make conscious choices towards creating a more balanced, healthy lifestyle physically, emotionally, mentally, and environmentally.
Watch Charlie in Season 3 Episode 17:
MacroMagic TV Series: https://rvntelevision.com/tv-show/macro-magic/
Wellness at Willows
Earth Month Event – April 23rd from 9 am to 4 pm with program “SUSTAINABLE Future Food Right Now” at 1:30 pm. Join sustainability professional and President of The Agrarian Group, Charlie Szoradi, to learn about the future of food and specifically the health and wellness benefits of the superfood, microgreens. See a demonstration on how fast, easy and affordable it is to grow microgreens in just a week right at home, all year round.
GREEN PHILLY 3rd Annual Symposium
Mr. Szoradi was chosen as the moderator. Panel Discussion highlights: How to Reduce Food Waste in Restaurants for a Circular Economy. GREEN PHILLY – https://www.thegreencities.com/
RED Talk Inspiration from Experience – Radnor High School, PA – “Future Food Right Now” – For the 18 minute TED Talk length presentation file and the video of the presentation see: https://futurefoodrightnow.com/resources/
Main Line School Night – Indoor Gardening – 90 minute class.
Class Description: Imagine getting a jump start on your spring planting while also enjoying fresh herbs and microgreens all year round. This step-by-step guide to success with growing and maintaining a windowsill garden will show you how. Discuss the best seeds and plants to select, choosing the right location, optimum soil conditions, watering strategies along with harvesting and storing seeds for the next season. Take home a microgreen starter kit that includes trays, grow mats and “superfood” seeds.
Bowie State University – BSU Ninth Annual Food Day Symposium
Collaboration with the Alliance for Chesapeake Bay, the BSU C4 Committee and Aladdin Campus Dining Services
Focus: Smart Agriculture: A Paradigm Shift in Food Production for a Healthy and Sustainable Future. Topics covered:
- Global Food Security challenges and policies
- Smart Agriculture solutions to food security challenges
- Current and ongoing research on Smart Agriculture at BSU and other regional research agencies
Main Line School Night – Growing Herbs & Microgreens Indoors.
Focus: Fresh herbs and microgreens all year round. A step-by-step guide to success with growing and maintaining a windowsill garden. Topics covered:
- Best plants to select
- Choosing the right location
- Optimum soil conditions and watering strategies
- Cost-effective options for grow lights and when you might need them.
- Microgreen starter kits that include trays, grow mats and “superfood” seeds
Sustainable Stone Harbor – Energy Savings and Environmental Stewardship
Focus: Cost effective sustainability measures for the New Jersey shore as examples for other vacation and year-round residences in the sate and across the U.S.
- Solar Photovoltaic (PV) rooftop panels
- Electric Vehicle (EV) charge station
- Passive solar front porch
- Natural ventilation
- Water Conservation with dual flush toilets
- Water Collection with rain barrels
- Edible Gardens with fruit and vegetables
- Indigenous and drought tolerant landscape planting
2020-2021 (Covid-19)
During the pandemic, Mr. Szoradi focused his communications efforts through online webinars and video presentations vs on-site speaking engagements.
Purge Virus – Multiple Webinars
Sustainable Tech Alliance – Multiple Webinars
Energy Intelligence Center – Multiple Webinar
Independence LED Lighting’s CEO, Charlie Szoradi, was invited by the Council of State Governments (CSG) to speak at their Conference for the Easter Region on July 29, 2019.
The presentation contents focus: Cost-Effective Energy Intelligence for operating cost reduction and job creation through clean technology ranging from specialty Corrections Facility LED Lighting to commercial Air Conditioning Optimization.
The Council of State Governments (CSG), a multibranch organization of the states, U.S. territories and commonwealths prepares states for tomorrow, today, by working with state leaders across the nation and through its regions to put the
best ideas and solutions into practice.
The presentation was specifically for CSG’s Energy and Environment Committee, and here is the link to the 12 minute video of the presentation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YqSuqHQbfBM&feature=youtu.be
Energy Efficiency Conference – 8th Annual Event, Harrisburg, PA – Advancing Together: Efficiency + Consumers + Technology
Barrett Asset Management – Triple Bottom Line Sustainability – Perspective on Clean-Tech Investing (New York and Connecticut presentations)
Mission Story – Triple Bottom Line – Presentation for the Mission Story event held in Philadelphia, focusing on Non-Profit and Triple Bottom Line companies. Independence LED’s CEO, Charlie Szoradi, shared with the audience the inspiration for starting the First Light Project (www.FirstLightProject.org) in 2012. The 501(c)(3) is one of the philanthropies that Independence LED supports to provide aid to the developing world as well as under served communities in the United States.
New Jersey School Building and Grounds Association (www.njsbga.org) – Presentation on “A Business Case for LED Lighting”. Mr. Szoradi presented at a similar event in 2017, and the information was so well received that he was invited to present at the annual conference. This most recent presentation is a reflection of Independence LED’s ongoing commitment to energy intelligence.
Keystone Energy Efficiency Alliance (KEEA)
Event Press Release:
Legislators tour local Montgomery County manufacturing company
Independence LED Lighting an example of state’s expanding energy efficiency job sector
Mays Landing, NJ – New Jersey School Buildings & Grounds Association – A Business Case for LED Lighting
Capital Hill, Washington, DC – Office of US Senator Bob Casey (D-PA) – Focus on the $1.1 billion in annual energy savings with lighting retrofits via the Buy American and Hire American Executive Order. (Mr. Szoradi spoke on behalf of the LED market in his role as the Leadership Council Chairman of the American LED Alliance (https://americanledalliance.com/).
Dahlgren, VA – U.S. Naval Surface Warfare Center – American Energy Security relative to the U.S. Navy and the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD).
Washington, DC – U.S. State Department, Truman Building – Energy Savings with Buy American Act (BAA) Compliant LED Lighting and Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) enhanced technology for domestic and overseas security enhancement.
State College, PA – Penn State University – Future Food production through localized indoor vertical farming with LED lighting, optimized by customizing wavelengths via Photosynthetic Photo Flux Density (PPFD) metering
Boston, MA – Boston University – Next Generation LED Lighting and Direct Current (DC) Microgrid integration to maximize energy savings.
Philadelphia, PA – First of multiple book signings and presentations for Learn from Looking (preview and order: http://learnfromlooking.com/about/).
BuildingsNY Expo – Javits Center, NYC
Conference Speaker – Presentation “A Business Case for LED Lighting”
Energy and Cost Savings Seminar
ARC: Association of Riverdale Cooperatives & Condominiums
Sustainable Energy Fund
Energy Service Provider (ESP) Network Conference – 2016 Presentation on A Business Case for LED Lighting
Eastern University
Environmental Science Club – 2016 Presentation on Public and Private Sector Lighting Solutions
BuildingsNY – Javits Center Event, New York City (Presentation available upon request)
Student Outreach – St. Albans School – Washington, DC
City of Philadelphia Energy Benchmarking Legislation – February 25th Philadelphia City Hall
Presentation to City Council at the request of the Philadelphia Sustainable Business Network (SBN) in support of Amending Section 9-3402 of the Philadelphia Energy Benchmarking Code – Chairperson Blondell Reynolds Brown Councilwoman At-Large. The amendment included adding all commercial portions of any mixed-use building where a total of at least 50,000 square feet of indoor floor space is devoted to any commercial use. Mr. Szoradi provided written and verbal testimony that focused on benchmarking measurement as the foundation for perspective on constructive energy management. He provided multiple case studies across different property types ranging from parking to multi-family properties that have benefited from measurement and subsequent energy saving lighting.
NYC Carbon Challenge – January 30th Wells Hall – Rockefeller University
Conference: NYC Universities and Hospitals
Presentation: A Business Case for LED Lighting
Mr. Szoradi was booked to speak a the request of the NYC Office of the Mayor, that has taken a leadership role in energy conservation and sustainability via initiatives ranging from events like this one to handbooks for best practices.
Participating Institutions included:
NYC Office of the Mayor
New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation
Greater NY Hospital Association
NYC City Wide Administrative Services
Rockefeller University
Barnard College
Berkeley College
Cooper Union
The City University of New York
Fashion Institute of Technology
New School
Pace University
NYU Polytech
School of Visual Arts
St. John’s University
Weill Cornell Medical College
NYU Langone Medical Center
Mt. Sinai Beth Isreal
Mt. Sinai Hospital
Icahn School of Medicine at Mt. Sinai
Lutheran Health Care
Maimonides Medical Center
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
Montefiore – Inspired Medicine
NY Presbyterian
North Shore LIJ – Health
NYU Langone Medical Center
Chester County Economic Development Council – CCEDC is a full-service, regional economic development entity that has provided “smart growth” business services to companies in Chester County and the proximate region for over 50 years. It is a private, non-profit, non-governmental corporation comprised of several affiliates and employing over 40 economic development specialists.
SMART PROC 14 – Strengthening The Mid-Atlantic Region for Tomorrow. The SMART Congressional initiative is the integration of regional Science & Technology activities for issues, events & projects among the SMART Congressional Delegation (8 Senators and 39 Representatives of DE, MD, NJ & PA), the Federal Executive Branch DC HQs, our International Allies, the four State governments (Executive & Legislative branches) and the regional technical, economic development and education/workforce development communities. Since 1999, SMART has conducted 282 significant events, addressed numerous case studies and facilitated $624M in direct SMART projects and $1.2B in indirect projects.
PMJ – PJM is a regional transmission organization (RTO) that coordinates the movement of wholesale electricity in all or parts of 13 states and the District of Columbia.
MIT Enterprise Forum – Starting in 1978, a group of entrepreneurs from MIT began to meet informally to compare and critique each other’s business plans. These meetings proved invaluable for gaining objective feedback and for networking. As the gatherings grew, the group named themselves the MIT Enterprise Forum. Soon word spread about the group’s value, and entrepreneurs in Washington. D.C., Chicago, Houston, Seattle and other cities asked to form their own chapters of the organization. Today there are chapters in more than 28 cities around the globe, involving over 2,000 participants, sharing knowledge, ideas, and bringing new technologies to market.
Cornerstones of Sustainability for Penn State University MBA Program
Home Talk Radio
Executive Leader Radio
MIT Enterprise Forum – Keynote Speaker
Harvard Business School President’s Breakfast – Keynote Speaker
Switzer Group – Interior Architecture
Woodlynde School: K-12 Grade Assembly on Sustainability
U.K. Lightsense LED Boot Camp
ROTARY Club: Wayne, PA. Presentation on “Red, White, and Green” – Made in America technology and the Competitive Advantages of the U.S. LED Manufacturer for Job Creation and Energy Savings
LED Boot Camp: Ongoing Monthly Series with Factory Tours
The Association of Energy Engineers – New Energy Technology Conference featuring six top companies and their CEOs. Harras Casino – May 24th
Made in America: State of the Region. Panelist with David Muir, Weekend Anchor for ABC World News and correspondent for the broadcast’s Special “Made in America” Reports. Hilton Philadelphia City Ave, Grand Ballroom – May 23rd
April is “Earth” Month and some of the speaking requests come from the education sector such as these first two during Earth Week:
First Sustainability EXPO at Lower Merion High School with State Senator Daylin Leach (D-17) – April 26th
Student Tour of the Boyertown Factory and review of Bright Ideas with the Sustainability Workshop on – April 24th
Cleantech Alliance Forum and Exhibition. Academy of Natural Sciences – April 12th
State of the Lighting Market. Energy Analyst Team for Major Asset Management Firm with over 5,000 Financial Advisors and approx 300 Billion assets under management (Confidential) – April 9th
March 13: Entrepreneurs’ Forum of Greater Philadelphia’s (EFGP) annual Cleantech Conference at St. Joseph’s University, Mandeville Hall
February 27-28: Southern LED Solutions – Two Day LED Boot Camp Training in Meridian, Mississippi
February 21: Main Line Chamber of Commerce Go Green Committee – Green Business Makeover Project Presentation at Villanova University, Driscoll Hall
IMPACT Venture Conference – Mid-Atlantic Top 20 Cleantech company selection presentation on the Company and its LED Technology – 10.29.11
SCTE – Society of Cable and Telecommunications Engineers – Multiple Energy Reduction Presentations: SCTE EXPO Atlanta, GA 10.15.11 to 10.17.11
Radnor Conservancy – Energy Conservation Presentation following the screening of the film Low Impact Man – 10.9.11
University of Pennsylvania – Guest Lecturer – Wharton MBA, Masters of Urban Planning and Architecture Graduate Student Class – 10.27.11
The EAGLE LED TUBE Boot Camp – The Challenge, Solutions, and Results with 10 Point Differentiators in Technology for Linear LED Tubes.
PHARMA ENERGY CONFERENCE – Top 20 Pharmaceutical Companies: Designated Speaker on ‘The LED Lighting Landscape – Energy Savings and Green House Gas Reduction Opportunities for US and Overseas Pharma Facilities’
Green Economy Career Day – Conestoga High School, Devon, PA
Smart Energy Initiative of Southeastern PA – ‘The Business Case for LED Lighting’
SmartEnergyPa.org Presentation at the Chester County Economic Development Council
PA State Representative Warren Kampf – Ribbon Cutting at the new office and presentation of LED retrofits
Annual Clean Tech Forum (2nd Annual) – Feb 16th
LED Saving Solutions Boot Camp, Feb 9th
LED Saving Solutions Boot Camp, Norwich, CT
LED Saving Solutions Boot Camp, Meridian, MS
LED Saving Solutions ‘Launchpad’ Presentation, Devon, PA
High Performance Lighting for Country Clubs, Vero Beach, FL
The Path to Home and Office Sustainability: YMCA – Main Line Philadelphia, PA
Fairfax County School District – Largest in VA and the 12th largest in the country
LED Saving Solutions Boot Camp, Camden, NJ
Eco-Student – with Parents Presentation, Bryn Mawr, PA
UPENN Wharton and Architecture School Presentation, Philadelphia, PA
City of New Haven Presentation on Energy Savings, New Haven, CT
Sustainable Business Network Center for Architecture, Philadelphia, PA
St. Aloysius School Presentation to K-8th grade student body, Bryn Mawr, PA
Real Estate Investors Presentation – Association of South Eastern PA
Presbyterian Church – Green Week
MyPhl17 TV – Four Part weekly ‘Earth Month’ News Segments – (Across the month)
Green Chic Expo – Crystal Tea Room, Philadelphia, PA April 28th
LED Saving Solutions Boot Camp, Devon, PA April 26th
Episcopal Academy – Eco Kids Curriculum, April 26th
Environmental Fest – Swarthmore Presbyterian Church, April 24th
Sustainable Business Network – Annual SustainaBALL Sponsorship, April 23rd
Great Valley Middle School – Eco Kids Curriculum, April 23rd
Go Green Expo – Greater Philadelphia Expo Center – Introduction and Sponsorship of Keynote speaker Leilani Munter, April 17th
University of Pennsylvania, Wharton Real Estate Investment Department Class, Commercial Lighting and Residential Efficiency, March 25th
Eastern University – Commercial Lighting and Green Home Showcase, March 13th
Home Health & Home Wealth Seminar hosted by State Representative Brendan Boyle – 170th Legislative District – Keynote Speaker, Feb 28th
Social Venture Institute 2010 Business Conference, Hub Cira Center, February 27th
GREEN MATTERS Conference, Feb 24th
Eco Academy Training, Feb 18th
Go Green Committee Presentation, Main Line Chamber of Commerce, Feb 10th
LED Saving Solutions Boot Camp, Jan 20th
U.S. & China Delegation – Sustainability Conference, December 2009 (12/15/09 During Copenhagen Climate Conference Week) Main Line Chamber of Commerce – Chamber University Classes, November 2009
Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce – GreenNow Conference – October 2009
University of Pennsylvania, Wharton Real Estate Investment Program, October 2009
Williams Sonoma Home, October 2009
Professional Service Association: American Society of Home Inspectors (ASHI), September 2009
Philadelphia Inquirer – Job Fair – GREEN JOBS Presentation at Lincoln Financial Field, September 2009
Business Network Presentations: Sustainable Business Network, August 2009
Conservation Association Presentations: Brandywine Conservatory, July 2009
GoGreen Expo
Penn Futures Energy Conference
Eco Academy – Denver, CO
Empowerment Group Earth Day Small Business Symposium and Schools in Philadelphia and Washington, DC.
West Chester University Entrepreneurs Symposium
US Capital – Energy Efficiency Presentations – Including Senator Specter, Senator Casey, Congressman Brady and respective staffs re: American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
Wharton Real Estate Development Class University of Pennsylvania
Diversified Investment Group – DIG
Radnor Conservancy
Clean Tech for Obama Fund Raiser
St. Norbert’s School – Eco Kids Curriculum
Wilmington Friends School – Eco Kids Curriculum
Green Building Council